7 years ago

Gym: Best place to visit to remain fit

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SEEKING admission to a gym is beneficial for health as the facility is like a school which trains up to lead a healthy life for us. There are various kinds of instruments which make workouts easier and interesting. We should get admitted to a gym which is close to our residences so that people can go there comfortably. It is like a social club and we meet many like-minded people there.   The money we invest in our health is given back to us with the best dividends.
 Many complain that they do not have enough time for gym. This is  not true as we see many busy people going to the gym every day. It is actually a  matter of priority. Nowadays, going to the gym is a trend and it is a good one too. When we go to gym regularly, we become increasingly conscious about our health and we acquire plenty of experience about a gym. Every workout routine does not suit everybody and so we have to find out the right exercises for us. I think a gym is a good place to keep us fit and healthy and we must incorporate workouts at a gym in our daily routine.
Sajjad Hossain
Gulshan, Dhaka


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