
FE Team | Published: July 09, 2016 20:45:11 | Updated: October 25, 2017 02:41:22


ABOUT four years ago Dhaka (and most probably the entire nation) was experiencing terrible load-shedding many times a day. Adding to the woes, the load-shedding occurred without any fore-warning, causing additional distress, anger and frustration for the people.
Sir Frank Peters campaigned against the 'stupidity and inconsideration' of the electricity authorities. He asked why the people were suffering unnecessarily.
He argued that the load-shedding was bad enough, but something we had to accept and live with temporarily. He questioned, however, why the authorities were adding to the sufferings and making the situation a lot worse by playing 'musical chairs' with power supply. He said it made no sense whatsoever and alleged that incompetence and bad management by the authorities are responsible for the miseries of the people.
He offered a solution so simple. He suggested that all load-shedding should begin on the hour after giving a notice of a minute or two, so that people can plan their activities in advance.  
For example, if the minute-hand in the cloak went five minutes past the hour, everyone knew they had at least another hour of uninterrupted electricity supply and as the minute-hand approached each hour they had sufficient time to save work on the computer and so on.
The recommendation was accepted and put into effect (thanks and applause for the authorities at that time) and great relief spread throughout the country. Have those employees retired and a new batch is acting out the stupidity and inconsideration of the old days, as we are experiencing now?
Load-shedding should go hand in glove with common sense. Why make the people suffer more than necessary. Where is Sir Frank when the country needs him?
Nasreen Dewan
Mirpur-1 Dhaka

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