Turmeric powder: A cooking ingredient that can improve your skin radiance

MAHIA AFRIN | Published: September 26, 2022 15:06:26 | Updated: October 05, 2022 18:39:02

Turmeric powder: A cooking ingredient that can improve your skin radiance

Turmeric is a natural ingredient that has been used for ages to improve skin conditions and reduce inflammation. In addition, turmeric can control excess melanin production and lighten our skin tone. Here are some DIY (do it yourself) using turmeric for home skin care.

Turmeric and tomato DIY to control excess oil

Tomato pulp and turmeric powder can aid in controlling extra oil on the face. Enriched with turmeric’s antibacterial properties and tomato’s astringent attribute, the easy face pack will help tackle the excess sebum production of our skin and simultaneously reduce the open pores on the skin.

To create the recipe:

  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of tomato pulp, a pinch of turmeric and half a teaspoon of yoghurt.
  2. Mix the ingredients into a smooth paste and apply the paste all over your face and neck.
  3. Leave it for 10 minutes and remove it after massaging your face in a circular motion with lukewarm water.

Get glowing skin with turmeric avocado

While turmeric is infused with beautifying benefits, it is commonly known for clarifying dull skin and encouraging a natural skin radiance. Always be ready with quick organic remedies as they are safe for our skincare.

To make the face pack:

  1. Blend 2 teaspoons of mashed avocado, a pinch of turmeric powder and 1 teaspoon of honey in a clean bowl.
  2. Mix well until you get a paste-like consistency and apply it to your face and your face and neck.
  3. Leave the mask for 15 minutes and after washing with clean water, apply a suitable moisturiser.

Get rid of textured skin with turmeric and oat flour scrub

It is high time to bid goodbye to your textured and rough skin with the goodness of turmeric and oats scrub. Oats flour is a natural exfoliant and turmeric powder possesses endless benefits.

This DIY will gently remove the dead skin cells and will give you soft and fresh skin. Make the organic blend using 1 teaspoon of oats flour, a pinch of turmeric and a few drops of rose water. Mix the ingredients and apply the paste to your face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes before washing it off with water. Do not forget to moisturise your skin after using any face pack.

Before you use any natural ingredient, go for a patch test before applying it all over your face.


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